Saturday, April 16, 2011

Literature Circles Update

We've chosen our books and will begin working in the literature circles this Monday. Giving book talks was a fun little thing I haven't had the chance to do yet, and definitely need to practice! I found myself feeling like I needed to persuade the entire class to read every book (which, to be fair, is a part of it) and, consequently, nervously trying to pack as much information possible into the brief speech, without giving away everything. I had to remember to stop talking - part of the point of literature circles is allowing the kids to figure out the wonderful of these books themselves.

Mick and I did book talks on eight novels, and at least one group will be covering each, which is reassuring - at least somebody wants to read the same things I do!

For the next four weeks, then, we will be working on:

Walk Two Moons - Sharon Creech

The Glory Field - Walter Dean Myers

The Clay Marble - Mingfong Ho

The Lottery Rose - Irene Hunt

The Iceberg Hermit - Arthur Roth

Catherine, Called Birdy - Karen Cushman

A Wrinkle In Time - Madeliene L'Engle

The Giver - Lois Lowry

I'm pretty pleased with this selection of books; we have boy and girl protagonists, male and female authors, multicultural literature, several different genres, and some books that make me laugh out loud, some that make me cry, and some that make me wonder about the world more than literature intended for adults.

I can only hope the kids come to some of the same conclusions.

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