Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Rounding the Corner

8 days left in my student teaching semester!

This Friday, April 29, Kyle comes in to film me for the second time, giving me another opportunity to self-reflect on my skills since the first one several weeks ago.

Monday, May 2 I have my final conference with Mick, Stacey, and Caroline.

Wednesday, May 4 I present my portfolio (which has made great strides in recent days but still has quite a ways to go - eep!).

Friday, May 6 is my last day in the classroom, and my students will have an "End of Ms. Maes's Terrible Reign Party" to celebrate.

And then graduation is May 14.

Apologies for an abrupt ending to this post and general lack of communication, but it's the end of the semester, and there's a lot to do yet. Heck, it's the end of college!

(For now.)

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